Saturday, September 26, 2009

Better Fitness Leads to Better Grades

A growing body of scientific research is resulting in clear evidence on the positive relationship between active outdoor play and children’s health.

Playing and regular vigorous physical activity (activities that produce a noticeable increase in heart rate - like brisk walking, biking, and active outdoor playing) is important for healthy growth and development among children and adolescents.

There is strong evidence showing beneficial effects of physical activity on muscle strength and endurance, bone health and cardiovascular health. A positive association has also been found between physical activity and improvements in concentration, memory, and classroom behavior

Girls with a more natural view (trees, grass, shrubs) performed better on standardized performance measures of concentration compared to girls who looked at a more barren setting (buildings, dirt, or paved surfaces).8

Children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) had milder ADD symptoms after engaging in play outside versus playing inside. The “greener” the play setting (parks, farms, places with tall trees, grass, or natural water sources), the milder the symptoms.

If we want our children to do better in school maybe we could encourage them to play outdoors more. Maybe we could lead by example and play with them. Take them along the next you go for a nice energizing bike ride. Or bring on your brisk walk around the park. Let them rid their bikes and just try to keep up with them!

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